Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bathroom Boo-Boo

By: Ellie Mearns

Potty oops! Vandalism in the bathroom has gotten worse. How do you get pants down a toilet?! Well we aren’t sure, but it happened.
On February 19, 2013 FBCS had to call up a plumber to, well, remove pants from the sewage pipes. FBC Middle School kids had to go to the high school to use the restroom, and PE classes did not dress down and stayed in their uniforms. Isabelle Martin 7th grader said “It was so inconvenient!”  
Students were then informed that they would have to go to the restroom with a buddy, so they would not be tempted to flush things down toilets and do other vandalism. Connor Conway 8th grader says “All because some idiot clogged the bathroom.”  This was a price they had to pay for vandalism.
PE teacher Janenne Russell warned kids not to leave their clothes in the bathroom because they could be stolen or flushed down the toilets, but someone did not get the memo warning kids to take their stuff to class with them.
Vandalism gets worse with every year, but if we all take it in account and do our share to help stop it, the bathrooms and our personal stuff will not be harmed and privileges will be restored. 

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